Kansas State Association of Fire Chiefs KANSAS STATE ASSOCIATION  of  FIRE CHIEFS
The mission of the Kansas State Association of Fire Chiefs is to provide the chief fire officers and managers of emergency services in Kansas with a forum to discuss issues and dispense information applicable to life safety and property conservation, and to provide education, services and representation to enhance the professionalism and capabilities of the fire service.
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General Membership Meeting Minutes

OCTOBER 22, 2006
9:00 A.M.

The Kansas State Association of Fire Chiefs General Membership meeting met in regular session on Sunday, October 22, 2006 at the conclusion of the 90th annual KSAFC’s conference.

The Executive Board President Chief Jeff Hudson called the meeting to order with 24 members present. President Chief Hudson asked Secretary/Treasurer Chief Walker to call roll call of the Executive Board. Those present were District #1 Vice-President Chief McLemore, District #2 Chief Klaus, District #3 Chief Moody, District #4 Chief Taylor, District #5 Chief Ellis, District #6 Chief Wilson, District #7 Chief Davis and Past President Chief Lloyd.

President Hudson advised the General Membership the 2008 Conference site packages were available for review.

President Hudson called for the minutes of the General Membership meeting of October 23, 2005. Chief Burgess made a motion to accept the minutes as submitted. Motion was seconded. Motion carried.

Treasurer Walker submitted the association financial report as of September 2006.

Income from 2005 Conference$6,812.40 
Membership Dues Income$5,395.00 
Interest Income$320.00 
Sales of Merchandise$433.00 

Axe & Raffle$890.00 

Net Income$13,851.33 

Conference Expense  
Conference Speaker$2,314.55 
Total Conference Expense $2,989.14 
Lobbyist Fee$4,773.84 

Plaques & Awards$842.17 

Total Expense$13,621.27 

As of September 30, 2006 the association has a balance of 
Money Market$15,622.49 
Total Assets$38,736.11 

Chief Burgess made a motion to approve the treasurers’ report as submitted. Motion was seconded. Motion carried.

President Hudson called for Committee Reports.
District #1 Chief McLemore reported he is still looking for someone to represent the District on the Executive Board.

District #2 Chief Klaus reported they are meeting quarterly. They move the meeting to different locations in the district but are still having a problem with attendance.

District #3 Chief Moody reported a concern in his district is the Board of EMS and the Medical First Responders issue. Chief Moody also advised the membership he had accepted a Fire Chief position in another community and Chief David Turner would be replacing him as District #3 representative on the Executive Board.

District #4 Chief Taylor reported that District #4 had caucused and Topeka Fire Chief Howard Giles has accepted the position of the District #4 representative.

District #5 Chief Ellis reported they meet quarterly within the district and talk over any fire problems and concerns. They are trying to bring in speakers. Main problem is District #5 is twice as large as other Districts and is too large of an area to cover. President Hudson advised the membership that the Executive Board will look at the apparent problem with District #5 being to large. However, President Hudson went on to say, District #5 Representative is twice the leader.

District #6 Chief Wilson advised District #6 had caucused and Chief Brad Smith will be the new District #6 Representative. Chief Wilson Thanked the Executive Board for allowing him to serve as Secretary/Treasurer and the District Representative for the association.

District #7 Chief Davis advised regarding the 2005 Fire Grants, District #7 approached this as a region and received a grant for Fit Test Equipment. District #7 has a new Fire Chief in Linn County and in Frontenac, Kansas and will try to make contact with some non-members in an effort to increase membership for the association.

President Hudson asked Chief Lloyd to swear in the new Executive Board Members. Those members sworn in and taking the oath of office were:
District #2—Chief Klaus
District #4—Chief Giles
District #6—Chief Smith
President Hudson advised the Chief David Turner would be sworn in to office for District #3 at the next Executive Board meeting.

Committee Reports

Conference Committee- Chief Wilson and Chief Sterbenz reported the attendance numbers for this year’s conference was 90 and 39 tables for vendors. President Hudson encouraged all members to talk up the 2007 Conference in Great Bend, Kansas as a great and outstanding speaker is scheduled to present the main program.

Haz-Mat Committee- Chief McLemore nothing to report at this time.

Training Commission- Chief Lloyd was elected chairman of the commission and is working hard to apply as much training with the amount of funding they have received. The commission requested $1.5 million and only received $750,000.00.
A lengthy discussion was held regarding KU Fire Service Training and the Training Commission.
A discussion was held regarding State Farm Insurance and Sub-Zoning.
A question was asked regarding Haz-Mat Certification through KU. Chief Lloyd advised that all Haz-Mat training certification on the local level is voluntary and that the standard is set by the local official, that is Federal Law. A problem with Firefighters who has the Firefighter I and II has had to retake the operation Haz-Mat test. Chief Lloyd stated he has just heard about this and will check into it.
Chief Lloyd advised a lot of the props that were purchased came from KU not the Commission Money. The Commission knew at that time they would have a lot more money than training needs at the start.
President Hudson discussed the situation between KU Fire Service Training and funding with the commission. President Hudson advised there should be a happy medium.

Board of EMS –Chief Moody advised Medical 1st responder issue is the number one item to keep tabs on. President Hudson asked Chief Moody to continue as the KSAFC representative to the Board of EMS. Also President Hudson stated that Chief Moody has done an outstanding job as our representative.

State Memorial Committee- Chief McLemore advised at this time KSAFC, KSAFF and the State Fire Marshals office are the only 3 organizations attending the meeting. They have just received a $5000.00 cash donation from the Kansa Gas Service. Total money in the fund is approximately $18,000.00. The biggest question now is how to spend the money. Karl McNorton (Kansas State Fire Marshal office) has done a lot of work in Topeka getting the ball rolling and sometime after the first of the year we should release advertising for designs.

Audit Committee- Chief McLemore and Chief Davis reviewed the audit with Chief Walker and everything looks in order. Chief Taylor made a motion to accept the audit report. Motion was seconded. Motion carried.

President Hudson discussed the topic of the Auxiliary and advised there were approximately10 paid members. He also advised there should be a report from the auxiliary that will be a part of the minutes.

A discussion was held regarding communication via the newsletter, open communication, more information to non-members of what the association is doing and what direction it is going. One solution could be e-mailing the minutes of the board meetings.
President Hudson discussed the web-site regarding a proposal from a professional web-site administrator that has offered her services to the association to rebuild and maintain the associations’ web-site at a very low cost. The board is going to discuss this later. President Hudson advised this would be a wise investment for the association to contract with someone to administer our web-site. The new-site could offer information such as minutes of meetings, conference information, District Representatives information and list of members.
Chief Taylor asked if it would take action from the General Membership to allow the Executive Board to spend funds on the Development and maintenance of the KSAFC web-site. President Hudson advised the board would have the authority to allocate funds for this project; however, he would take a motion from the floor.
Chief Taylor made a motion to give authority to the Executive Board to take whatever action necessary to contract with someone to make the web-site the best. Motion seconded. Chief Lloyd asked if there was anyway we could advertise or sell space to the vendors. The association owes money to some vendors from a couple of past newsletters, Possible offer free advertising the first time to show the vendors what we have to offer? Chief Walker advised at this time the door is wide open on just about what-ever the association wants to do.
Chief Klaus made an amendment to the standing motion to include an immediate disclosure as to what the cost will be to the association by posting this information on the KSAFC web page or email list of the paid members of the association. Chief Taylor seconded the amendment. With no further discussion, President Hudson called for a vote on the amendment. Motion carried.
President Hudson called for a vote on the original motion regarding the web-site. Motion carried.

New Business

President Hudson discussed and called for a vote on the 2008 conference. Two (2) proposals sites have been submitted, Ellis County and the City of Topeka. A discussion was held regarding the 2 year package. Chief Taylor made a motion to eliminate the offer of 2 year proposals and continue to schedule the conference 1 year at a time. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

A motion was made to vote by ballot between Ellis County and the City of Topeka for the 2008 conference. Motion seconded. Motion carried. President Hudson appointed Jerry and Richard to count the ballots.

President Hudson advised that Chief Taylor has announced he is a candidate for 2nd vice-president for Missouri Valley Division of the International Association of Fire Chiefs. President Hudson asked for a motion from the floor that our association endorse Chief Taylor’s effort as 2nd Vice-president. Chief Ellis made the motion. Chief Mitch Jones seconded.
Chief Sterbenz made a motion to amend Chief Ellis’s motion to include a $1,000.00 donation to support Chief Taylor. Chief Lloyd seconded. President Hudson called for a vote on the amendment to support Chief Taylor with a $1,000.00 donation. Motion carried.

A call to vote on the motion made by Chief Ellis to endorse Chief Taylor as a candidate for the Missouri Valley 2nd Vice President position. Motion carried.

President Hudson announced the Fire Service Alliance meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. on December 8, 2006 in Salina, Kansas and the next Executive Board meeting of the association will be held on December 7, 2006 at 11:00 a.m. also in Salina.
A discussion was held regarding who is allowed and/or invited to attend the Alliance meeting, which includes the KSAFC, KSAFF and the Kansas State Pro-chiefs. President Hudson advised that all members and non-members of the Fire Service are invited to this meeting. President Hudson advised he will send a special invitation to all Fire Service Associations to attend our conference.

The final results of the paper ballot count to select the 2008 KSAFC conference was a tie between Ellis County and the City of Topeka. President Hudson asked for a motion regarding the next course of action. Chief Mitch Jones made a motion to flip a coin, heads or tails, to determine the winner. Chief Lloyd seconded. Chief Jones requested Chief Walker to flip the coin with Ellis County having heads to win. The coin flip shows heads, Ellis County declared the winner of the 2008 KSAFC conference. President Hudson thanked both great departments for submitting bids for the 2008 conference.

A motion was made to destroy the voting ballots. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

Chief Taylor discussed locking in a date (such as, the 3rd week in October of each year) to hold the KSAFC conference to ensure top quality speakers. Chief Lloyd advised that he agreed with Chief Taylor, citing the time frame that was required to lock in the outstanding speaker Chief Billy Goldfeder for the 2007 conference. Chief Lloyd suggested the association set the 3rd weekend in October of each year for the KSAFC annual conference. President Hudson discussed the days of the conference, that maybe mid-week and not have Saturday and Sunday as conference days.
Chief Moody suggested the district representative’s contact each Chief in his/her district and find out what they would like to see the association do regarding dates of the conference.
President Hudson asked Secretary/Treasurer Chief Walker to read the by-laws regarding meetings of the annual conference. Chief Walker stated that Article V meeting, Section 1 says: The annual conference of the organization shall be held in the month of October of each year, unless otherwise ordered by the organizations or the Executive Board.
Section 2: The location of the annual conference shall be determined by ballot at the annual conference; the location shall be selected two years in advance. (This took effect in 1998).

Chief Lloyd made a motion to form a bylaws committee to look at this issue to change it or not. Chief Jones seconded the motion. After a lengthy discussion regarding volunteers, date and time of banquet and other concerns Chief Lloyd withdrew his motion. Chief Jones withdrew his second. No action taken.

Chief Jones discussed the possibility of having 2 or 3 break-out sessions at the next conference. President Hudson advised that the conference program directors will look at that proposal.

President Hudson advised the Executive Board now has a clear direction on which way the General membership wants the association to move forward.

Resolutions #1 through #4 were read regarding the KSAFC Conference in Topeka, Kansas on October 19th-22nd 2006. Motions were made to accept Resolutions #1 through #4. Motion seconded. Motion carried.

President Hudson asked for a motion to adjourn. Motion made and seconded. Motion carried.

President Hudson declared the 90th KSAFC annual General Membership meeting adjourned at 10:55 a.m.

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KSAFC | Chief Bill Walker, Secretary/Treasurer | 113 North 5th Street, Burlington, KS 66839 | 620.364.2305 | 620.364.3108 Fax | E-mail
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