Kansas State Association of Fire Chiefs KANSAS STATE ASSOCIATION  of  FIRE CHIEFS
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KSAFC Secretary/Treasurer
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Executive Board Meeting Minutes

DECEMBER 7, 2006

President Chief Hudson called the meeting to order at 11:09 a.m. Those present were Chief Lloyd, Chief Ellis, Chief Giles, Chief Smith, Chief Turner, Chief McLemore and Secretary/Treasurer Chief Walker.

Those unable to attend were Chief Klaus and Chief Davis.

President Hudson asked past-president Chief Lloyd to swear in the two new board members: District #3 Representative Chief Dave Turner and District #6 Representative Chief Brad Smith.

Secretary/Treasurer Chief Walker advised the board that the minutes of the last board meeting were not ready for the meeting. President Hudson stated that the last meeting minutes will be approved at the next board meeting.

Treasurer Walker submitted the association finical report fro October 23, 2006 through December 6, 2006.

Total Income$5,135.00 
Total Expense$1,771.40 
Net Income$3,363.60 

The Balance sheet as of December 6, 2006 
Money Market$15,654.11 
Total Assets$39,655.16 

Chief Ellis made a motion to approve the treasurers’ report. Chief Lloyd seconded. Motion carried.

President Hudson called for Committee Reports.
Chief Lloyd reported on the Training Task Force and Training Commission.

Chief Lloyd advised the board he visited with the KU Training Director referencing meeting with the board regarding funding. A discussion was held regarding a special meeting with Fire Service representatives and the KDEM/Adjutant Generals office on December 8, 2006 to discuss Service Training needs.

The Sub-Committee on training issues, funding and classes will meet on Tuesday, December 12, 2006. There are more requests than money available. The funding will be at its limits in 2007 and a plan needs to be in place. Chief Lloyd advised that $1.5 million to put the program together had been requested and received only $750,000.00.
The next training commission meeting will be January 18, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. in Lawrence, Kansas.

Chief McLemore reported on the Haz-mat committee.
The State now has 13 regional teams. Some Haz-mat equipment has been given out from the state Fire Marshall Office. A discussion was held on training equipment. There is a new Haz-mat tech training course available. The State needs additional information on all reports.

Chief McLemore reported on the Memorial committee.
The next committee meeting will be Friday, December 8, 2006 after the Alliance meeting.
The committee now has protocols for spending money and has approximately $18,000.00.
The Fire Service Memorial will be in Topeka, Kansas.

Chief Giles reported on the 2006 KSAFC conference.
Chief Giles advised the conference will net approximately $6,000.00. Personnel from Chief Giles department are putting a conference manual together of do’s & Don’ts that will be available for future conferences.

Chief Ellis advised the board that Chief Klaus has some concerns regarding the 2008 conference speakers. It is time to get speakers locked in now. President Hudson advised that he will have Chief Davis get with Chief Klaus regarding speakers.

Chief Giles advised the board that the newly formed auxiliary would like to have some educational session as part of the conference. Chief Giles suggested the auxiliary have a part in setting the session. Chief Hudson advised he will have Chief Davis send updates regarding the conference agenda.

Old Business:

KSAFC Web page
President Hudson advised that Lora Gilardi has been working on putting our new web site together and Chief Walker has paid the fee to retain the KSAFC domain name. Chief Walker advised the board that the cost of the host server will be $120.00 per year. Chief Lloyd made the motion and Chief Giles seconded. Motion carried.

Chief Walker also advised Ms. Gilardi needed the KSAFC logo sent to her as soon as possible in a jpeg. Chief Lloyd advised he should have that and will send it to her. Chief Walker advised if everything goes well the new site should be up sometime after the first of 2007. A discussion was held regarding what type of information should be on the web-site. Some of the ideas suggested were: Conference date, time and location, board minutes, updated reports from each region, committee reports and membership applications. The board all agreed that the new web-site will be a great asset to the association.

A discussion was held regarding the Kansas State Fire Marshal position. No action was taken.

New Business:

The Board discussed a recent e-mail dated November 30, 2006 regarding the Board of EMS (Mr. Waller) proposed legislation to have the board of EMS to regulate the medical first responders. President Hudson asked Vice-president McLemore if he and Chief Moody would keep track of this legislative bill and keep the KSAFC Executive board advised. Vice-President McLemore will contact Chief Ryan regarding any information available on this bill.

At 1:15 p.m. Chief Lloyd requested an executive session. Chief Hudson seconded. Motion carried.
At 1:21 p.m. The executive board reconvened back to general session. No action was taken.

District Reports: President Hudson advised the District Representatives that if anyone would like him to come to their district for a meeting he stands ready to do that.

Chief Ellis advised his district is looking forward to a special meeting in January 2007 with the Kansas State Forestry and Kansas Emergency Managers.

Chief Walker asked if the Executive board is still looking at the overall size of District #5. Chief Ellis advised that with such a large geographical area he (as the District representative) can not take care of the needs of that districts membership and would like to see it split in half.

A discussion was held regarding creating a Missouri Valley Vice President position on the Executive Board and this would require a bylaws change which would be voted on at the next conference. Chief Lloyd made a motion to establish a seat on the KSAFC executive board to be held by the Missouri Valley State Vice President representing Kansas. Chief McLemore seconded. Motion carried. After additional discussion Chief Lloyd made an amendment to his motion to have the current President of KSAFC’s executive board appoint the member to the position with the executive board approval. Chief McLemore seconded. Motion carried.

Chief Giles made the motion to clean up the (2) two items in the bylaws regarding adding Johnson County and the miss-spelling of Chautauqua County. Chief Turner seconded. Motion carried.
Chief Hudson requested Chief Ellis work on the physical change in splitting District #5 and have some recommendation for the board to consider at the next executive board meeting.

Chief Walker advised that with Chief Taylor not being on the board another signature was needed on the checking account. Chief Hudson asked Chief Giles if he would assume that responsibility and he agreed to do so.

Chief Walker also discussed the accountability of the annual conference money and having all expenditures come to the secretary/treasurer for payment. All conference registrations fees would be received by the board. Chief Giles stated he would support the change. Chief Lloyd suggested with this change perhaps this will help members that host future conferences and encourage other members to host the annual event. Chief Hudson advised this will not require a bylaws change; it is just a board policy item.
A discussion was held referencing how to set up conference registration money going to the board and questions from members regarding the conference and how they would be handled. Chief Lloyd suggested Chief Giles and Chief Walker work out the details.

A discussion was held regarding the new N.F.P.A requirements on SCBA’s. No action was taken.

A discussion was held on a new product of Bunker Gear.

Dates were discussed for the next board meeting which will be held sometime in February 2007. Chief Hudson will advise to date and location.

Chief Lloyd made a motion to adjourn at 2:05 p.m. Chief Ellis seconded. Motion carried.

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KSAFC | Chief Bill Walker, Secretary/Treasurer | 113 North 5th Street, Burlington, KS 66839 | 620.364.2305 | 620.364.3108 Fax | E-mail
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